Thursday, February 24, 2011

Watch us grow! Weekly pictures.

Carson on the left and William on the right

William on the left and Carson on the right

William on the left and Carson on the right

Carson on the left and William on the right.

William on the left and Carson on the right.

William on the left and Carson on the right.

1 Month old!!

February 18, 2011



William on the left and Carson on the right.



I think we are done with our photo shoot now!!!! 

Cute little guys!

February 10, 2011

William on the left, Carson on the right. 

Twins times 2!

Big cousin Quentin! 
15 years ago he was that small.  How lucky are we to have another set of twin boys in our family!
February 15, 2011

Here is big cousin Nick with his baby cousins.  Hard to believe that 15 years ago he and his twin brother were that small! 
February 6, 2011

A smile?????

William  *  February 22, 2011
Could this be a smile???  You decide.  This mommy says it is. 

2 Week old photo shoot

My good friend Karisa took some beautiful pictures of the boys when they were about 2 weeks old.  She did a fabulous job.  I can't wait to go back for our next session!










The first Spitch game!

Grandpa Ken being silly....

Kellen made us some coffee while we played some Spitch.  We were all a little hopped up on caffine.  The babies did great while we played our favorite card game.  Kellen invented it a while back becuase I refused to learn how to play Pitch. 

Nana and Grandpa Ken were with us for a week when the babies came home.  It was a lot of fun to have them there!

Heading home!

The nurse was cutting off their alarm bands. 

Daddy holding Carson and Mommy holding William

Carson on the left and William on the right. 

That is a lot of stuff!  We had already sent some home too!  I brought a lot of comfy clothes to wear.  The sad thing is that I didn't get dressed until a few hours before we left.  I was in way to much pain to get dressed. 

Getting ready to head home!

Silly Daddy!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hospital photo shoot

William on the left and Carson on the right

Carson Edward

William Harrison

William on the left and Carson on the right

Carson Edward

William Harrison

William on the left and Carson on the right

Welcom Baby Carson!

Carson Edward (Baby B)
Born January 18, 2011 at 11:29 am
Weight 6 lbs 11 oz
20 inches long

Carson came out a little big anxious to breathe.  He took a few gulps of fluid on his way out.  He was breech.  When I heard his little cry, I could hardly contain my excitement.  It was like music to my ears.  The doctor held him over the curtain and I got a peek and him.  He was pink and very healthy looking to me.  Once they got him over to his bed, he was having some trouble breathing.  I got to see him for one quick second before they rushed him off to the NICU.  Daddy went with him and his brother to the nursery while mommy finished up in the OR. 

This was the first time Mommy was able to hold Carson.  He spent 2 days in the NICU.  He needed an IV and some oxygen.  He had a pretty speedy recovery and very soon was able to join the rest of the family in our room.  I was so determined to see my little boy, that I was actually out of bed only about 6 hours after the surgery.  The nurses pulled some strings and made it so I could go and see him.  I wasn't able to hold him right away that night but I did get to go and touch his hands and feet.  He looked so weak and tired laying in his bed under the oxygen tent.  Daddy was back and forth visiting all of us so that Carson would not be alone for too long.  We were so excited for him to get to our room. 

A very happy Mommy and Daddy.  Carson finally made it to our room.  He didn't get to stay very long.  I fed him and he went back with his nurse.  We were so happy to see him getting stronger.  He was in our room the next day and has been doing great ever since! 

Getting ready to leave the hospital and head home.